1948 Ford 8N Tractor with a Twin Turbo Power Stroke V8 Hawaiian Shirt
In regards to your question, that info-graphic was merely stating the current situation of which team had the leverage, and their current goalNFL rules dictate that at the conclusion of regular time there ensues a Overtime period that is “Sudden-Death” meaning that if the team to possess first, scores a touchdown, the game is over and the opposing team has suffered a “Sudden-Death”. Had the Atlanta Falcons won the coin toss, it would have been the 1948 Ford 8N Tractor with a Twin Turbo Power Stroke V8 Hawaiian Shirt same info-graphic but with the Falcons in lieu of the Patriots. It did not magically foresee the outcome it was merely revealing to the layman football fan, what the situation was at that moment and what the “Offense” was attempting to do at that very moment. All helpful tidbits for casual football fans.

Buy It Now: 1948 Ford 8N Tractor with a Twin Turbo Power Stroke V8 Hawaiian Shirt
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