Thursday, June 27, 2019

5 2 Pig Lady With A 6 1 Attitude shirt

Home: Femme ShopOh my gosh my mom used to do this and 5 2 Pig Lady With A 6 1 Attitude shirt and then when they come out hot out that well she would roll them in sugar and then she would let us eat them and she said don’t take too long to eat them because then they’ll taste too much like a biscuit but if you don’t I’ll taste like a doughnut. And drain oil where, while camping? Sounds like an awful idea. I can just picture all the people dumping the oil on the ground outside! We have been doing this since I could remember as a child we call them our ghetto donuts because we couldn’t afford fancy donut shops. You don’t have to cut a hole in the middle. Just poke your finger through and stretch. We use powdered sugar, water and drop of vanilla for icing.

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